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IEEE/Optica Publishing Group

Journal of Lightwave Technology Publication Information and Focus

Since its inception in 1983, this semi-monthly journal, co-sponsored by seven IEEE technical societies and Optica Publishing Group, has published leading work in optical waveguide technologies and their applications, from integrated photonics to optical networks.

Scope and Topics

The JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY is comprised of original contributions, both regular papers and letters, covering work in all aspects of optical guided-wave science, technology, and engineering. Manuscripts are solicited which report original theoretical and/or experimental results which advance the technological base of guided-wave technology. Tutorial and review papers are by invitation only.

Topics of interest include the following: 

  • Fiber and cable technologies 
  • Active and passive guided-wave componentry (light sources, detectors, repeaters, switches, fiber sensors, etc.)
  • Integrated optics and optoelectronics
  • Systems, subsystems, new applications and unique field trials. 

System oriented manuscripts should be concerned with systems which perform a function not previously available, out-perform previously established systems, or represent enhancements in the state of the art in general.

Additional information on the journal scope and topic categories:

Many of the highest cited papers in these fields have been published in this journal. The Journal of Lightwave Technology strives for the fastest possible publication speed without sacrificing the high quality of its technical review process.

Our editorial board is comprised of leaders in their respective fields, who ensure that each paper gets detailed technical reviews by experts on the specific topic of each submitted paper.

We give authors the opportunity to perform two rounds of revisions in order to address reviewer concerns and polish papers to the highest technical standards.

The average response time of the journal (from submission to decision) is currently about 40 days, with an acceptance rate below 50%.

"The journal consistently receives high ratings in the annual journal citation rankings for all periodicals in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Optics."

Magnus Karlsson

Douglas Hargis
Phone +1 732 562 6829

Steven Perez
Phone +1 732 562 6072

General Inquires

IEEE Photonics Society
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331

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