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Adonis Bogris

Adonis Bogris

University of West Attica

Dr. Adonis Bogris was born in Athens, Greece. He received the B.S. degree in informatics, the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications, and the Ph.D. degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, in 1997, 1999, and 2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2010 he served as a research associate at the Optical Communications Laboratory, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. From 2010 to 2018, he was with the Department of Informatics of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece. Since 2018, he is with the University of West Attica where now serves as a professor. His current research interests include high-speed all-optical transmission systems and networks, nonlinear effects in optical fibers and photonic waveguides, all-optical signal processing, neuromorphic computing, mid-infrared photonics, security at the physical layer, fiber sensing and fiber-optic seismology. He has authored or co-authored more than 170 articles published in international high impact scientific journals and conference proceedings. Dr. A. Bogris is the director of PDSN lab (PDSN, and co-director of the research unit in neuromorphic computing and photonics (RNCP, with strong involvement in European research projects in the field of photonic technologies and their applications in numerous sectors. Dr. Bogris also serves as a reviewer for the journals of the IEEE, Elsevier, Nature and the Optica (formerly OSA). He is an Optica senior member and an associate editor for Optics Continuum of Optica Publishing Group. He has served as a member of the Technical Programme Committee in major conferences in photonics and optical communications (ECOC, MWP, CLEO, ESLW). He also serves as a member of the Greek Universities Network (GUnet) and the Greek School Network ( representing University of West Attica.

For JLT he is handling submissions on the following topics:

  • Nonlinear signal processing in optical communications and sensing
  • Neuromorphic photonics
  • Machine Learning techniques for optical communications
  • Physical layer security in optical communication systems
  • Nonlinear effects in optical fibers and photonic waveguides – parametric amplification
  • Nonlinear dynamics of lasers
  • Mid-infrared photonics

Douglas Hargis
Phone +1 732 562 6829

Steven Perez
Phone +1 732 562 6072

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